Ecommerce Email Marketing Services to Boost Your Sales

We’ll help you create, implement, and manage an effective email marketing campaign that enables you to communicate with current and potential customers and smoothly bring users to visit your website and make a purchase.

Tailored Impact

Targeted Reach

Email Marketing for Ecommerce Done Right

A proper email marketing flow for abandoned cart, customer journey management or just a simple campaign is one of the proven ways of engaging existing or new customers, promote your brand and products, and keep your customers coming back for more. An effective email marketing strategy enables you to reach the right customers at the right time.

At Andava Digital, we create personalized campaigns that suit the needs of your business and help you achieve the goals of your ecommerce website.

Discover Andava Digital's Email Marketing Success Algorithm

Exploring Andava Digital’s success algorithm is your key to unlocking a proven formula for achieving
excellence and success in various endeavors.

Ecommerce Email Strategy

Andava Digital has developed a proprietary solution to help brands achieve their email database acquisition goals. Our database acquisition campaigns focus on providing engaged subscriber growth at scale, never list growth for list growth’s sake.

Personalized Email Campaigns

Every successful email marketing program should be centered around one thing: your customers. Andava Digital helps brands analyze databases and tech stacks to ensure personalized customer experiences.

Email Design & Development

Expanding new customer acquisition efforts to markets outside the US is a prominent initiative for most DTC brands today. We help businesses with strategy development and execution to reach dozens of international markets.

Email Marketing Agency That Delivers Results

We go beyond generic newsletters and standard abandoned cart flows. Our approach involves meticulously crafting targeted campaigns tailored to your audience by analyzing data, segmentation and understanding your customers’ needs and preferences. We create personalized experiences that not only drive sales but also foster long-term loyalty. 

Results Driven

Performance Partner

Where Numbers Shape Success

Turning insights Into action: Data-driven strategies unveiled.

Sales Volume
+ 0 %
Conversion Rate
+ 0 %
Total Leads
+ 0
Average ROI
0 %

Email Marketing Experts

Our team of experts provides comprehensive email marketing services tailored to your eCommerce brand. With years of experience and a deep understanding of consumer behavior, we meticulously design each email to captivate your subscribers and drive engagement. We optimize every aspect of your email strategy for impact, from subject lines to designs.

Let’s Work Together

Case Studies

Discover how a targeted digital marketing approach propelled a business to new heights, spotlighting the key role of
SEO and social media in driving growth.

Eyewear Ecommerce Store SEO Case Study

The company wanted to bring their online presence into the 21st century, improve their organic standings, and comprehensively shift their approach to Google Ads campaigns. With Andava Digital, they’ve accomplished that, and beyond.

Tattoo Artistry Studio Went from 61 users to 21,000 Through Strategic SEO


Health and Wellness Brand Doubles Organic Traffic and Sales in 13 Months

Ecommerce Email Marketing Services

Need help with your monthly email services? Our email company collaborates with your in-house team to develop an effective email marketing strategy that drives long-term profitability.

ESP Migration

Do you have an established ESP, but it’s not ideal for your eCommerce email marketing campaign? Our team migrates your existing campaigns, templates and segmented contacts to your preferred ESP in a timely manner to get you back up and running in no time! We support most big-name eCommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Shopify and WooCommerce.

Email Strategy

Our email marketing eCommerce team determines the best strategy to reach your target audience. We provide recommendations on automated campaigns, content strategy, discount recommendations and a plan for ongoing email newsletters services. Contact us to learn more about the best email marketing for Shopify and other platforms.

Tracking and Reporting

Our email marketing optimization team provides detailed monthly reports on your email marketing campaigns. These reports break down each campaign sent over the previous month, highlighting engagement metrics such as open rate, click rate, conversions and more! We also schedule regular consultations with your team to discuss the report.

Template Design

The Andava Digital email marketing eCommerce team comprises expert designers and developers that build templates from scratch. We know the ins and outs of Shopify email marketing and eCommerce marketing best practices. We also create templates that engage your audience and drive up conversions.

Email Automation Strategy

Our Shopify email marketing and eCommerce experts create a plan to harness predictive tools in building workflows and automated campaigns that encourage and trigger future purchases. From abandoned cart and shopping sequences to welcome series and VIP reengagement automatio


Searching for a team to create eye-catching, engaging email marketing eCommerce campaigns that keep your audience updated with current offerings and promotions? We plan, design and test Shopify email marketing and other eCommerce campaigns to increase conversions and drive revenue.

Client Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it. See what our clients say.

Elevate Your Ecommerce Email Marketing!


Discover insights on how to optimize your digital marketing strategies
for enhanced business growth.

We take a data-driven approach to your email marketing strategy. We leverage customer behavior and preferences to create strategies and tactics that meet your existing business objectives. We weigh your budget and resourcing availability to make sure we provide you with the best solution possible for your needs.

Hiring an email marketing agency brings expertise, tailored strategies, and increased revenue. With their help, you can save time, focus on growth, and achieve better results for your business.

It’s more important than ever for ecommerce businesses to have a clear understanding of the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing efforts. While numerous digital marketing services are available, email marketing remains one of the most potent ways to reach and engage customers. However, to maximize your email marketing strategy, it’s crucial to track and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Collaborating with a tailored email marketing agency provides valuable insights into campaign performance, enabling data-driven decisions that propel ROI and advance your ecommerce brand and business.

On average, email marketing content costs $101 – $250 per month (17% of businesses). However, this can vary depending on the types of emails you want to send. For example, 16% of businesses spend more than $750 on content per month, while 12% of businesses spend less than $100 per month.

Email marketing plays a crucial role in the success of ecommerce businesses. It’s an effective way to reach and engage with customers, drive sales, and build brand loyalty. There are many benefits to email marketing, including its low cost, high ROI, and ability to be highly targeted and personalized.

Your PPC budget will depend on many factors, but is mostly dependent on what competing advertisers pay currently for keywords that match search intent. A complete analysis of your website, desired keywords and your industry will be required to get a better sense on what minimum and maximum bid amounts may be required to move the needle.

Your cost per click will be based on numerous factors, many of which are out of your control, but you can make your campaign and budget predictable. Contact us to learn more.

Ecommerce Email Marketing Examples

Welcome Emails: These serve as the virtual handshake with new subscribers, confirming their email address and leaving a positive first impression. Maintaining a hospitable tone and expressing gratitude can significantly enhance customer engagement.

Promotional Emails: These focus on specific offers or discounts to create urgency and encourage immediate action. However, it’s crucial to balance them with other email types to avoid overwhelming customers.

Abandoned Cart Emails: These aim to win back customers who left items in their carts without completing the purchase. Personalization and clear CTAs are essential to guide customers back to the checkout process.

Purchase Follow-Up Emails: More than just a simple “Thank you!” message, these emails continue the conversation post-purchase, inviting customers to share their feedback and experiences.

Product Recommendation Emails: Leveraging algorithms, these emails offer tailored suggestions based on customers’ preferences, enhancing their shopping experience and potentially increasing order value.

Win-Back Emails: Targeting inactive customers, these emails aim to reignite their interest with enticing offers or discounts, grabbing attention with personalized subject lines and clear CTAs.

New Product Launch Emails: These build excitement among customers by offering a sneak peek and special incentives, encouraging early purchases with discounts or preorder opportunities.

Birthday Emails: Personalized messages sent on customers’ birthdays foster emotional connections and loyalty, often including special discounts or freebies to make customers feel appreciated.

Back-in-Stock Emails: These notify customers when previously unavailable items become available again, creating a sense of urgency by highlighting limited stock or high demand for the product.

Newsletter and Non-Promotional Emails: These maintain engagement between purchases by offering valuable content such as product how-tos, real-life inspiration, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, keeping customers entertained and receptive to future sales messages.

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