Facebook Messenger Marketing: Killing a Few Birds with One Stone

Should we start with some Facebook Messenger marketing stats?

Messenger is the second most popular messaging app after WhatsApp with 1.3 billion monthly active users worldwide. And users aged between 25 and 34 account for about 25% of that user base. So if you target customers from Generation Y (or Millenials), as a digital marketer Facebook Messenger is something you should take a closer look at.

And what if we add that Messenger drives up to 80% open rate and 20% click-through rate? To compare, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn show your organic posts only to 10% of your followers. That percentage won’t increase if your followers aren’t engaging with your content.

Email marketing stats as well don’t seem exciting. The email open and CTR continue to drop, with the average open rate being below 20% and the average CTR being below 3%.

There’s much more that’s going to get you excited about Facebook Messenger marketing. Keep reading and let’s discover how you can make it part of your digital marketing strategy by hiring a Messenger marketing agency or a dedicated in-house specialist.

Top 4 Facebook Messenger Marketing Strategies

#1 Deliver Content To Your Audience

Facebook Messenger marketing is a great way to deliver content to your audience one-to-one.

Using Facebook Messenger for marketing is an effective method to provide individualized content to your target audience. It enables you to send personalized messages to your subscribers, ensuring that they receive the content you share. This approach feels more deliberate compared to simply seeing an advertisement on their Facebook feed. 

Furthermore, Facebook Messenger lets you categorize your audience into different groups, allowing you to send tailored messages to specific individuals who are interested in receiving relevant information.

#2 Build Relationship With Your Customers

If you are trying to reduce the percentage of no-shows for your online course, webinar or demo, Facebook Messenger marketing can become a great assistant.  Sending relevant content, promotions, and updates to these potential customers can help businesses align with customer needs without feeling pushy or intrusive.

  • Send a short automated reminder 30-1 hour before the event and you will be able to reduce the number of no-shows.

Facebook Messenger reminders work for physical appointments as well, including appointments at a beauty salon, dental clinic, etc. 

  • New collection? Software lifetime deals? Big discounts towards holidays? Messenger will become the perfect environment to share your offers.
  • Visitors used to subscribe to email lists and leave their contact details to get weekly/daily tips from businesses. But this form of contact generation doesn’t have the same effect as it used to.

Now not many businesses use Facebook Messenger marketing to send chat drip campaigns, newsletters, new blog posts, and other stuff.

You can make use of this app and will definitely stand out from the competition.

#3 Use FAQ Chatbot to Engage With Customers 24/7

Facebook Messenger chatbots can be a valuable tool for customer engagement all day, every day. These chatbots act like human agents, responding quickly to common inquiries and problems, enhancing response rates and customer experience. By automating FAQs, you can save your customer support team from mundane, repetitive work. Additionally, you can use chatbots to send automated marketing messages such as new product announcements or special offers to a broader audience.

Another advantage of Facebook Messenger chatbots is the ability to track customer engagement and activity constantly, which can be used to enhance customer service and customize marketing messages for specific demographics. 79% of consumers prefer live chats because they offer instant responses and for 41% of consumers, live chat is a preferred channel for contacting support teams (source).

Whether you are an online store or a SaaS company, Messenger is a quick way to fix issues or at least let the customer know their issue is under observation.

#4 Try Facebook Messenger Ads

Since Facebook combined with Instagram, Messenger ads seem among the best places for brands and digital marketers to put their money behind. Facebook Messenger ads allow brands to start a conversation with potential customers. This can help to build relationships and create loyalty among customers. Plus, you can target your ads to people already using Messenger and interested in your offering! This will maximize your chances of being seen.

There are four types of Messenger ads you can use:

Click to Messenger ads: A classic, standard ad that includes a call-to-action (CTA) button. Set your CTA to “Send Message,” and you’ll have an easy way for your consumer to start a conversation with you.

Sponsored messages: Do you already have conversations with consumers happening on Messenger? Then try sponsored messages. These let you retarget current customers with ads like promotions and deals.

Messenger Stories ads: Take advantage of the popularity of Messenger Stories. Your ad will be sandwiched between organic Stories by your consumers’ followers for a natural segue.

Messenger inbox ads: These Messenger inbox ads will show up in the chat tab within the Messenger app”.

How to Get Started with Facebook Messenger Marketing Benefits?

Facebook Messenger marketing stats say that 98% of your visitors won’t leave any contact details on your website. So, a Messenger chat is a great chance to discover your visitor’s Facebook profile and further connect with him/her.

After the lead is generated, you need to work on turning him/her into a returning visitor and ultimately customer.

Installing a Facebook Messenger bot chat widget on your website is easy. WordPress users can run a quick search on wordpress.org, choose from available plugins, and add it to their website.

facebook messenger marketing

Once visitors land on your website, they will see something like this:

messenger marketing

Log into Messenger allows them to send you a message via the app itself, not via your chat window. As opposed to messages sent via chat, messages sent via Messenger are easily saved in the user’s smartphone and they can have a look at them again later.

To have quality conversations with your users, you can make use of

  • greetings,
  • saved replies
  • instant replies

They allow you to save time and answer frequently asked questions very quickly.

Another way for generating Messenger leads is via ads. Facebook allows you to run ads on Messenger and the ad looks like another chat in your Messenger list. When the user clicks View more, “Send message”, you already have him/her in your contact list.

The first message the user usually sees afterwards is the following: “Hi, [your first name]. Please let us know how we can help you.”

You can also add pre-written questions to engage the users and keep the conversation going. Here’s an example with predefined questions from Burger Command:

burger command

However, Messenger isn’t limited to a standard format of adding questions.

Here’s what Sephora did. They allow you to choose from two options – Find a store and Chat with an agent. When you click Find a store, it automatically asks you what city/zip code you try to find a store.

You as well can add multiple options to your Messenger bot and insert some images to make the window more visually appealing.

To organize all these sequences and automate the process, all you need is a Messenger bot. Building a similar bot is done in a few minutes and there are many tools in the market that will help you with this task. Moreover, building and maintaining a bot can be free.

For example, if you have less than 500 contacts in your Messenger list, you can use a Messenger bot builder for free.

“Learn more” is another CTA that you can use instead of “Send message”. In this case, the user will be redirected to your website (e.g. landing page), not start a conversation within Messenger. This option is for businesses that want to increase traffic to their website.

Looking For a Messenger Marketing Agency?

Are you looking for a reliable Facebook Messenger agency? Andava is a full-service digital marketing agency with social media marketing being one of our most popular services.

Contact us for a free SMM audit and we will help you handle both the technical and strategic parts of Facebook Messenger marketing. We will help you

  • run targeted and well-performing ads on Messenger,
  • build a Messenger bot with automated features,
  • make the most out of this popular, free app.
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